Typhoon Damage



The cost of not preparing your boat is greater than the cost of being prepared for the Typhoon Season.

Now is the time to do your due diligence and not at the last moment.

Last typhoon season, Hong Kong was spared the devastation as witnessed in the preceding years by Typhoons’ Hato and Mangkhut.

Many of the boats that went down were attributed to old mooring ropes, overwhelmed bilge pumps, inadequate freeboard and old batteries. Batteries, corrosion, bilge pumps, bilges and freeboard are all interrelated; so if any one of those items fail during heavy rain, they all fail and the boat may become flooded, flounder or worse than that.

We are offering, not for insurance purposes or for third parties but for your own diligence, the following pre-typhoon condition survey in the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter:


  1. Check the integrity of your mooring lines and cleats.

  2. Check your bilges, bilge pumps, paddle float switches and associated wires for corrosion and bad connections.

  3. Where visible and not covered by panels the hull through holes and pipes connected to the bilges for adequate freeboard.

  4. Condition of your batteries, corrosion and expiry indicator.

  5. We shall make the appropriate recommendations in a report.

This survey report will help you mitigate damages to your boat once the deficiencies have been rectified.

NOTE: Our standard terms and Conditions Apply: (click here)

Discounted rate for this survey to members of the Aberdeen Live aboard and Aberdeen Boat Owners, is HK$1600.00 (See scope of survey above)

Please go to the contact us page and send us your details:

  • Name of owner:

  • Vessels Name and Number:

  • Row No:

  • Mooring Number:

  • Telephone Number:

I will then contact you for an appointment:

Be Safe!

Neil Gould - Dip. Marserv. ARINA, Assoc. SCMS

Assoc. Member of both the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and Society for Consulting Marine Surveyors